Thursday, May 31, 2007

The uneducated.

Today I was doing my devotion, I am currently in Acts, and I came across an interesting thought. In this world, espeically America, education has a very large effect on us. Those who are better educated younger, go on to better schools later, and get the better jobs in the end. The higher the degree, the better the position. Which means better pay right? Lawyers, doctors, and accountants, stay in school longer so one day they can make the big ones.
What I came across was, God uses the uneducated. Not to say he only uses the uneducated, Paul was a respectable priest, but if you look at most of the disciples, most were mere fishermen. Doesn't take much schooling to bait a hook. I read today about stephan. The Bible says he was full of Gods grace and power, he preformed many great signs and wonders. The Bible doesn't tell you his degree or his credentials.
God can use people of any nature. Its not about the brain. It's about the heart.

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