Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Time to fly.

Don’t tell me I can’t fly.

A few days ago, I read a fact I found quite interesting. By all theories of areodynamics and physics, the bubmlebee should not be ablt to fly, but it can. There is no scentific reasoning behind it, it just flys. Perhaps it’s because no one ever bothered to tell the bubmlbee he couldn’t.
Recently, I asked a good friend an opinion on something I was excited about. I will leave this friend annonomous as well as what opinion I asked for. Anyway, I felt like the opinion I got back was completely negative. “There’s no way you could do that, I don’t think you could handle it.” Was the response I got back. I was hurt. The people we are around influnence us so much. I’ve come to a point in my life where I don’t wont to be bothered by negative people. I refuse to have myself esteem be brought down.
In the movie Pursuit of Happyness (Spelled wrong on purpose) There is a part where the young boy tells his father everything he wants to do when he grows uo. “When I grow up I want to be better than Michael Jordan.” After hearing a few of those, the father yells, “Well you can’t, You’ll never make it. You can’t do it.” The boy turns away in tears, then the father turns him around and says “Don’t let anyone tell you, you cant do something, not even me.”
I’ve decided I will not let anyone tell me I can’t fly. I challenge you, be an encourager, and never let anyone tell you, you cant do something.


Anonymous said...

good word!

Anonymous said...

hey henry ! - i think this is awesome i loved what you wrote, watching you and alot of others this year ive learned that its ok to go for something with all youve got and to give your all. even if at first others or maybe even we tell ourselves that we cant do it. keep it up man! i miss u ! - Ashleigh
p.s tell amanda i said hi and the blog u wrote about amanda's neice made me laugh lol.