Sunday, June 10, 2007

Be the Miracle!

Recently I watched the movie bruce almighty, after watching it I came about a new concept that is now my motto. "Be the Miracle." I believe in a God who works all kinds of miracles, each and everyday. But a lot of the time we are too busy looking up. Yes, once again, I believe God works miracles. But I also believe God inpowers us to do the same. The same power we read about in the Bible is still alive today.
But let me go a step futher. My perspective on what a miracle is has changed drasticaly. Once I thought of a miracles as something physical. Healing of the blind, a cripple walks or even raising of the dead. Now, I view a miracle as something that may seem a lot easier and a lot smaller, but I promise you it's just as big. Finding the time to sit and talk with your spouse, that's a miracle. Raising your kids in the way of the Lord, that's a miracle. Footing a bill for a friend in need, that's a miracle. You know that feeling in your gut you get? That feeling of I should do that...... Those are the feelings we need to act on. How many times have we driven by an elderly women with a flat tire? Are excuse is "Im sure some one is on the way."
My friends, as always I leave you with a challenge. My new motto is be the miracle. Everyday is a chance to make a difference. All you need to do is make the choice.

Be the Miracle!

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